Friday, July 17, 2009

Di"TaG" oLeH aMoI ^_^

cm dh lma ja xupdate blog nih...
bknnya lor...huhu
erm skrg nih plak aku mkin bz..
yeke??erm lbh krg la...huhu
aku dpt msuk u ri2...w/pn 2nd intake...
alhamdulillah dpt jgk kn...huhu
so...smbung la blaja lg utk 5thn...
waa...lma gla 2...
kalah medic kn?huhu
xpala...mgkin da hkmahnya 2...

n leh la aku bt 1 keja nih...
aku tlah di"tag" oleh amoi...
so,amoi...diz is 4 u *wink

1. What is the most important thing in your life?
~so far laptop lor n hp...nyawaku 2..huhu~
2. What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
~erm pa ya...byk sgt aku bli nih...hoho~ tp bkn kaki shopping tau =p
3. Where do you wish to get married?
~rsa cm best ja kt cm agak melampau(melampau ke??@_@)
4. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
~xmo think2...mudah2an hgga ke akhir hayat...amin...=)
5. Are you in love?
~soklan cepumas nih...huhu...erm falling in luv with u...sdap lgu nih kn?*wink
6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
~td...kt cafe kak ros...hoho~
7. Name the latest book that you bought?
~td jgk la...buku bhs arab 1 & 2...ngeh3
8. What is your full name?
~muhafiza bt. mohd said~luv diz name so much =)
9. Do you prefer your mother or father?
~both of them..i still need them in my life
10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time. ya...ntahla...aku pn xtau la...hoho~
11. Christina or Britney?
~both of them r ok...lgpn aku mnat lagu ja..bkn org...hoho~
12. Do you do your own laundry?
~nope...washing machine y sukarelawan nk tlg bt =p
13. The most exciting place you want to go?
~pantai n laut....!!!!gunung2 pn bleh *wink
14. Camera or MP3 or Handphone?
~hp ja da...cmra 2 coming soon kot..hoho~
15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
~agak sengal
~sgt baik(yeke??hoho~)
~cm hyperactive ja...ngeh3
~caring...(klau xcya..korg purak2 sakit =p)
~umo tua dariku tp cm adikku ja dia nih...huahuahua
16. 3 things I say too often?
~hampeh di c2...
~cm2 lak ya...
~n byk lg la...hoho~
17. Book I’ve read recently
~mw kot...@_@
18. 4 songs I could listen to over and over again?
~xbertepi(matta band)
~i want 2 spend my lifetime loving u(marc anthony & tine arena)
~ala..byk lg la...xckup nih...huhu~

19. 3 things I learned last year?
~erm...mcm2 la blajaq...
20. 8 people to tag?

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