Showing posts with label aKu =p. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aKu =p. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010

KaMi MaSiH B'3 =)

nite readers!=)
rsa cm dh lma x update blog nih
byk sbnrnya y nk dimuat turun dlm nih tp
masa xmengizinkan...huhu

erm kali nih juz nk post y p jln2 ri2
p times square n low yatt..
p ngan spa???
p ngan tpah n amoi la...
waa...sgt best y tersgt2 best la!!!
sbbnya dh lma aku rndu sgt2 kt diorg b'2
t'sgtlah puas dpt jmpk2 lepak2 jln2 ngan diorg!
w/pn jap ja...jap ke???
erm aku kuar dr cni kul 2 kot
tp 3 lbh kot dpt nek train
aku sorg...tipah n amoi nek kt bangi
aku ckp kt diorg,"pndai2 la crik muka aku kt tpi tgkap dlm kmuter 2"
akhirnya diorg b'jaya mnjejaki diriku...huhu
n guess what???kmi b'3 pkai bju 1 tema!!!!
2 y dikatakn jauh d mata tp dkt d ati...=)
k smpai kl sntral,kmi mkn2 dlu
pas2 kul 5-5.30 cm2 smpai times square
pas2 jln2 kt low yatt...
kul 6.30 lbh krg kmi pn blik
smpai kl sntral kmi b'hnti mkn lg...huhu
pas2 bru amik train blik
waaa...puas gla dpt jmpk diorg
yela...dlu sntiasa b'sma
spjg 3thn...nsib bek skrg nih dekat lg
dpt la kuar2 lg ngan diorg nnt =)

*nk letak gmbr tp npa lak xleh...=(

Thursday, December 31, 2009


erm...there's nothing much 2 say rite now
speechless n i feel empty
dun know y...
actually i'm waiting 4 my sis 2 fetch me up
either tonite or 2morrow morning...

erm the ending of 2009 n the beginning of 2010
i was wondering how am i going 2 face it
sounds like there are a lot of challenges that i've 2 face
yup...of course...i'm sure that diz sem will be more tougher than my sem 1!
the subjects...lecturers...all those assignments that waiting 4 me
adehhh...i feel like to run away...
far far far away from here...huhu

and of course i've 2 "suffer" n struggle
if i want to get result with flying colours..of course i want it!
no play2 k!!!
but...i don't know whether i can or not =(
i don't think i can score especially arabic...
ops!i've 2 b more confident!!!i'm sure i can if i stdy hard,rite?
"usaha + doa + tawakkal = kejayaan"
remember diz k,pja =)

erm i was thinking bout my life in 2009
there are lot of memories...
at d beginning of diz year, i was at kuis
finishing my diploma
then i graduated in july
ops 4got bout something!
i worked as a teacher eventhough juz for 1 week
such a sweet time...miss them..huhu

n after that, end of july,
i'm usim...2 further my study
4 years and half more 2 go...
such a long journey...huhu
wish me luck...insya-Allah =)

last but not least
welcome 2010 =)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

aLhAmDuLiLLaH...aKhIrNya =)

pagi..pagi n pagi...!!!!
alhamdulillah...dh slmt exam sem 1...ngeh3
9 sem lg nk kna tempuh...^_^
mudah2an okla result nnt...tkut2...
lbh2 lg madkhal n law...
sbb 2 la paper last n time 2 la diuji...
krg kesihatan...huhu
dh 2...diriku ja y abih exam lmbt...
bdk2 umh suma dh blik...
nsib teah xblik lg...2pn sbb dia kna p ATRA...
n nsib bek aku xjoin atra 2...ngeh3 =p
tp next week bru blik kedah...
k.long ajak blik skali...
so, smggu aku abihkn lepak2 kt kl dlu...=p
nikmati awal2 cuti la ktakan...ngeh3 ^_^
tp jap ja blik kedah...pas2 kna meh cni blik...
utk apa??haa...itu y kita dok?ngeh3
ala...da LSP plak smggu...pas2 bru la leh blik kedah utk sepuas ati...
nyamannya waktu 2...anak2 pn suma da....waaa...suka2!!^_^
erm brg2 pn dh kemas...2 y leh ngadap "nyawa" nih jap...ngeh3
smbil ditemani ngan cadbury chochettes...waaaa....terasa cair di mulut...weee~

Thursday, November 12, 2009


erm sbnrnya xda pa nk update...
eh,byk nk exam xabih lg...
pas2 nih dmam plak...xlarat...huhu
walhal bru ja pas demam ri2...2mggu lpas rsanya...
smggu dmam...
pas2 nih dmam blik...dh 3-4hr kot...
mkn pndol tp cm xda effect pn...
bdn pn skt2...kaki pn cm xlarat nk jln...huhu
nk baring ja kejanya...
tp...kna kuatkn smgt jgk...
da lg 2 paper next week...madkhal n law...
klau xstdy...xsmpat nk cover kes2 suma 2....waa...
ujian n dugaan tatkala mggu exam...hoho~
mas plak dh blik...esk piya plak blik...paper diorg dh abih smlm...='(
xpa2...sbar2...perjuanganku ngan diorg xsma...huhu~
xpala...nk restkn mata jap...xlarat sgt2 dh nih...huhu

Saturday, November 7, 2009


morning readers!
eh, is it still morning??ops...dh t/hr lor...=p

never mind, as long as i'm happy!ngeh3
erm feel like wanna rite something today...huhu
i went to ICEROOM last nite with my housemates... nyummy...nyum3 =D
there r icereams...westerns...desserts...n many more...
but the prices r...erk...tau la kn tmpt2 exclusive cm2...huhu

cik mas n i decided 2 share all those nyummy2 things...(save la ckit kn?)^_^
so, we had love + 1 (passion fruit & mango icecream),
fish fillet with thousand island sauce, french fries n fresh lemon tea...ngeh3 =)

while teah, piya n ina had grape & blueberry icecream n highland milk tea...
anis plak black pepper chicken chop...=)

moh kita tgk gmbr2nya ya...wink*

~bilik ais...weeee~~nih le rupa kt dlm ia ^_^~~grape&blueberry n love + 1~~nyum3...weee~~jom nyum2 eskrem nih...=p~~ala2...sweetnya c piya & ina nih~~K.A.M.I~

p/s : nnt kita p secret recipe lak ya...^_~

Thursday, October 29, 2009

MoTiVaTiOn pLz @_@

hi readers...!!
(hai lg ke??dh t/mlm dh nih...)
~~xkesah aku kn..=p

hmm...nih la bla xda keja...
eh salah...byk keja sbnrnya...
xstdy sempat lak ngadap blog nih...huhu

sbnrnya xngntuk xda mud nk stdy...
plus ngan "sound effect" y dh 6hr aku practice nih...hoho~
agk sukar utk sempurnakan p'nafasanku...huhu~

wokeh, abaikn y 2...xpntg pn =p
erm tba2 t'ingt 1 bnda...
besala mlm2 cmni kn...
ingt blik kenangan2 dlu...ngeh3 =p
aku rsa...
pa y aku rsakn 2...
mmg btl2 terasa...
(apa ayat aku nih...??~~)
~~maklumla dh t/mlm...huahuahua

erm...i was thinking bout something...
it's hard 4 me 2 let it go...
i keep asking myself...
it's hard 4 us 2 let go of something that we luv most in our life...rite?
but no matter what, we've 2...
maybe it's not meant 4 us...
so,we've 2 let it go...even it is hurting...hoho~
maybe something...someone...or...whatever...=p

so kwn2...da pndpt x nk bt cmna?
bg motivation ckit ^_^

p/s:jgn slh phm k...
nih leh jdk dr segi... so on...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

StUdY vs LaZiNeSs @_@

adeh...(awal2 dh ngeluh...)
i'm too lazy rite now to stdy...!!!!
somebody help me,plz!!!
do u've any idea how to against laziness??
(btl ke ayat aku nih??)
final exam is juz around d corner but i have not started my stdy yet!
wut happened 2 me?
there's one week left!only 1 week!!!
n there's a lot of stuff i've 2 stdy!!omg...
give me an advice plz...=(
d mood of stdy didn't come yet...
(perlu ke 2gu mud dlu???)
~sgt xb'patutan...
~~~~perhatian!aksi ini jgn ditiru ya~mmbahayakan kshtan,ok?!

pja....stop playing..!!!
take all ur books,notes n all those things n start stdy!!!
n put away ur laziness, ur laptop far away from u!
juz 4 1 month only...
n remember,there's 9 sem more 2 go!
u've 2 stdy,stdy smart!wokeh??!!!

p/s~4 those who have any idea on how to overcome diz "laziness disease", plz help me~~~huhu

Monday, October 26, 2009

ThEaTeR + FeVeR + StDy WeEk

salam n evening readers!=)
hope all of u in a gud health...insya-ALLAH...amin..=)

but i'm not very well rite now...
got fever...flu..cough...since friday...
feel soooo bad...dh lma xdemam nih...huhu
even skrg pn tgh uhuk2...skt tekak nih...tawar ja rsa...
sbar2..kafarah dosa nih =)
nsib bek da smggu utk stdy week...
hopefully dh bek dmam time exam nnt...

anyway, let's put aside bout that...
i got something 2 share here...
ok..we start here ;)
this sem i took theater 4 my ko-k...
so for final exam, all of us have 2 do perfomance...
10 persons in each group...
the events held on saturday morning...
we r d 4th group(2nd last)
d 1st-3rd group was so marvellous!
i'm not confident that our group will win...
coz our perfomance was so simple...very2 simple...
(w/pn aku juruaudio n props ja =p)
it's juz bout audition but d best part is...bout d judges...
d end of d story...judges 2 gila + sakit jiwa!=p

i was so surprised when c.Fazreen announced that my group won d 1st prize!
thank god!=)
at first, teah said to me..."mst kita dpt num 1 kn k.pja =) "
but i told her..."jgn mghrp tggi2 sgt..."
rpa2nya teah dh da instict y group kitorg akn mng =D
but after that, all of us were scolded by c.along...(our theater lecturer)
we did badly in our mid term..all of us...
d hall became silent...quiet...
we r so sorry cikgu...we juz keep thinking of playing...
never serious in class...=(

erm klah...dh xlarat nk menaip..huhu..nk rest lak...
by d way...nih gmbr mng sorg ja..
y group xamik dr mmber lg...huhu

Thursday, October 8, 2009


ngeh3~(cm suka ati ja nih...jeng3)
mn da i hepi rite now??
ney...i don't think so...
actually i've a lot of works need 2 b done...
n d most important thing is...
esk da test madkhal!!!huhu~
i think i've 2 leave my lovely blog 4 a while...
got so many presentations next week...bout 4-5 presentations lor...
n of course i've 2 prepare,rite?
n there's another 2 assignments 2 do...
madkhal n MLS...
pas2 FINAL...adehhh...cptnya...huhu~

erm rini ja y leh b'npas ckit...2 pn t'sekat2 lg nih...~
last week pn bz sgt...
2hb went 2 d museum...
then on 3rd oct,jln2 cri psal kt kl...ngeh3~
2 pn sbb hp prob..huhu~ =(
pas2 lak 4hb kna p mooting workshop...
amik pngalaman bak kta org tua2...=p

erm sbnrnya byk bnda nk post nih..
y p museum 2...
pas2 b'day celebration with classmates n housemates =)
siap dpt 2 bijik kek lg =D
tp klau ngadap bnda nih lma2..
xjdk keja lak kang...
so nnt2 la post..huhu

Saturday, September 26, 2009

MoH BaLiK CaMpUs~

erm...i'm going back 2 cmpus today...
arrgghhh malasnya!hoho~
i dun't have much time 2 update my blog...
since my mother not very well..
my frenz came 2 my house...
n i've 2 prepare everything...
opss...actually both of us(aku & k.njang lor..)
2 days b4, we made bhun tomyam...
hoho~ so yummy...
n yesterday,bhun sup...
~sup tulang gitu...weee~
n i cooked that soup...!!

but i've 2 left all those happy2 n enjoy2 time behind..
since i'm going back...
coz there's a lot of things i've 2 do...
d bz time is already waiting 4 me...hoho~
d assignments...presentations...test...adehhh...(opsss...xbek ngeluh...hoho~)
oh!i 4got bout my theater test!!
adeh lg~
i've 2 stdy all the epics n mitos legend..stories...
seninya aku...hoho~
n 2nd oct...we'll go to museum...
with miss fadhlina,our law lecturer...
2 do some research there...actually 4 our assignments lor...huhu~
n d next day, 3rd sukan interkolej la plak...
(tp aku xjoin...huahuahua =p)
n 4 24 oct, da koko day plak...
byknya xtvt...hoho~'s already 8!
gotta go...coz i'm going back at 10 =)
n there's something that i've 2 do b4 going back...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

bLuR @_@

dunno wut 2 do 2nite...
very2 blur...blank...lost...
d truth is...i dunno wut should i do rite now...
there's nothing interesting that i can do...
(even ngadap lptop nih...!!!)
erm ry thn nih...xrsa sgt cm ry...
aku pn xtau npa...npa ya??
mak pn xchat pn da bt operation ckit...
so kna byk rest la...
mmber da ajak p umh dia...mkn2...
tp xdpt p...huhu
xpa2...bkn jga org len...
jga mak sndri kn..?=)

d worst thing is...
aku xbli tiket lg nih!!!!
cmna nk blik nih...tiket cm dh abih ja...
sbb cuti skolah pn dh nk abih...
so jwpnnya...abih la aku...hoho~
keja pn b'lunggok nih...tgh 2gu q ja 2...hoho~
xpa2...slow2...insya-Allah ok sumanya...

Friday, September 18, 2009

d NeW LiFe


erm it's been a month i left my blog juz like that
without updating it...
quite a long time,rite?
i'm so bz that i can't make it...
very2 bz...not juz in weekdays but also in weekends!
everyday i got work to do...
even sometimes i've 2 skip meals...
usually in the morning...
got no time maa...coz i started my class at 8 everyday..
n guess what...dinner at 11-12 at the midnight! wonderful...hoho~
n the saddest thing is...i lost my weight!
arrgghhhh...!!!!(sgt2 xsuka!!!)
n all of this make me think...not twice but more...
how i want to face this for 5 years more...
"ya Allah...bntulah hamba-Mu y lemah ini,
kuatkanlah semangat ku..."

i was wondering...everyone keep saying..
"juz b relax...this is ur 1st year n it would be like that..."
but, some of my friend are not like that...
they are so free...n i'm so jealous..
i wish they are in my shoes,
then they'll know how it feel...ngeh3

but so far...alhamdulillah i still can catch up everything...
(even though i'm blur in class...hoho~)
seems like i know nothing...
very blur,rite??=p
how come a law student be like this...??
adeh....(ke aku y xlayak...?huhu)
n 1 more...the hardest thing 2 change..
not thing's bout my it attitude?
whatever lor...
erm i can't make myself talkative in class...
since my schooling time...i answer when the teacher ask me...
if not,seems like there's a gold inside my mouth...
so that, i can't open my mouth...hoho~
then,i've 2 change..
coz if u wanna b a lawyer,u must b a talkative person...
n for sure not talking2 without point...
should b a reasonable point when u r talking...
n the important thing is...
kna la berani...
insya-Allah =)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

CoNvOcaTiOn =)

alhamdulillah setelah 3thn aku bertungkus lumus kt KUIS,
kmarin dh konvo...
yeahaaa!!!!18th july 2009~
maka ngan rasminya aku telah da diploma...
xpa2...biar lmbat asalkan slmt...huhu
1st session...AI & FSKS ja...
tp okla 2...AI pn byk cabang gak 2...
kul 7pg aku dh da kt pkk...
besala nk mekap2...huhu
pas2 msuk pkk...nervous gla...
kna plak course aku awai2 pas student degree...
adeh...t'sgtlah gabra...mggigil gla...
ngalahkn nk msuk exam...hoho~
tp alhamdulillah sumanya b'jln ngan lncar...
cumanya aku rsa gmbr aku ats stage 2 jelah xpuas ati...
senyum xikhlas...hoho~
dh nervous kn...cmna nk snyum...huhu
erm lbh krg kul 12 la abih sesi 1...
time jln kuar pkk 2...rsa cm best...dhla carpet merah...
pas2 parents2 suma gitu =p
kuar2 pkk,aku pn jln ja menonong...
mncari2...tercari2...dan akhirnya....
rupa2nya aku pn dicari2 jgk oleh fmlyku...ngeh3 =p
pas2 b'gmbrlah aku ngan suka rianya...hoho~
thanks 2 mak,ayah,k.long,abg long,k.ngah,abg ngah,anjang,k.njang & xlupa jgk ank2ku...along,angah,adik & abg...
tp disebabkn da sbb2 tertntu,kl n kn kna blik dlu...
so tggl la mak,ayah,anjang n k.njang... least diorg da jgk w/pn sat ja...
tq so much sis...=)
aku pn terus blik vista zohor 2...
mls nk 2gu lma2 kt sna...
sorg2 aku ja pn...
bek aku blik kn...kn2?=p
pas2 rini,19th july,mmber aku ckp nk tgkp gmbr rmai2...
1 kelas suma katanya...
semangat jgk la dgr 2...
alih2...kmi b'7 ja...
aku,be'ah,sarah,ayoi,mizi,wan n mad nor...
xpala...bntai jelah...berposing sakan la jgk td...
ala..bkn slalu kn...skali nih ja...ngeh3 =p
so,utk suma kwn2 ku...
"congrats!"MySpace~sharing is caring....huahuahua~

~jom jln2~

~sblm msuk pkk~
~aku~epah~dee~syams~~aku~epah~~aku~nurul~~dpn pkk after konvo~~dpn main gate kuis~~aku~sarah~be'ah~
~19th july '
09~~berbackgroundkn masjid~~be'ah~aku~mad nor~

Friday, July 17, 2009

Di"TaG" oLeH aMoI ^_^

cm dh lma ja xupdate blog nih...
bknnya lor...huhu
erm skrg nih plak aku mkin bz..
yeke??erm lbh krg la...huhu
aku dpt msuk u ri2...w/pn 2nd intake...
alhamdulillah dpt jgk kn...huhu
so...smbung la blaja lg utk 5thn...
waa...lma gla 2...
kalah medic kn?huhu
xpala...mgkin da hkmahnya 2...

n leh la aku bt 1 keja nih...
aku tlah di"tag" oleh amoi...
so,amoi...diz is 4 u *wink

1. What is the most important thing in your life?
~so far laptop lor n hp...nyawaku 2..huhu~
2. What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
~erm pa ya...byk sgt aku bli nih...hoho~ tp bkn kaki shopping tau =p
3. Where do you wish to get married?
~rsa cm best ja kt cm agak melampau(melampau ke??@_@)
4. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
~xmo think2...mudah2an hgga ke akhir hayat...amin...=)
5. Are you in love?
~soklan cepumas nih...huhu...erm falling in luv with u...sdap lgu nih kn?*wink
6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
~td...kt cafe kak ros...hoho~
7. Name the latest book that you bought?
~td jgk la...buku bhs arab 1 & 2...ngeh3
8. What is your full name?
~muhafiza bt. mohd said~luv diz name so much =)
9. Do you prefer your mother or father?
~both of them..i still need them in my life
10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time. ya...ntahla...aku pn xtau la...hoho~
11. Christina or Britney?
~both of them r ok...lgpn aku mnat lagu ja..bkn org...hoho~
12. Do you do your own laundry?
~nope...washing machine y sukarelawan nk tlg bt =p
13. The most exciting place you want to go?
~pantai n laut....!!!!gunung2 pn bleh *wink
14. Camera or MP3 or Handphone?
~hp ja da...cmra 2 coming soon kot..hoho~
15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
~agak sengal
~sgt baik(yeke??hoho~)
~cm hyperactive ja...ngeh3
~caring...(klau xcya..korg purak2 sakit =p)
~umo tua dariku tp cm adikku ja dia nih...huahuahua
16. 3 things I say too often?
~hampeh di c2...
~cm2 lak ya...
~n byk lg la...hoho~
17. Book I’ve read recently
~mw kot...@_@
18. 4 songs I could listen to over and over again?
~xbertepi(matta band)
~i want 2 spend my lifetime loving u(marc anthony & tine arena)
~ala..byk lg la...xckup nih...huhu~

19. 3 things I learned last year?
~erm...mcm2 la blajaq...
20. 8 people to tag?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

aKu KiNi =)

erm jap ja dh msuk bln 7...
pas2 bln 8...
bln 9...
abih la thn 2009...
eh...sbnarnya nih bkn tujuan post aku kali nih...
huhu...jgn slh phm lak~
ntahla...blur scra tba2...hoho~
erm upu ditolak...
dlm proses rayuan...
so dr ngabihkn beras kt umh...
aku keja skrg nih...
ngeh3...yup...keja la...
ingt aku xreti keja ke?=p
tp keja pa??
i'm a TEACHER now!!!
tp kt skolah rndh agma..
as an english teacher...hoho~
dh kira 4hari la...
aku berjaya mnjdk sorg cikgu...
n hrp2 cikgu y brjaya la...hoho~
w/pn cikgu nih keja sekerat hr...
tp ttp terasa ke"busy"annya...hoho~
xpa2..2 suma cbran y perlu ditempuh sbg sorg guru...kn2?=)

"utk suma kengkwn sekalian,
ingatlah jasa guru2 kalian...
walau xbest pn ckgu 2..
dia tetap pendidik...
y mengajar kita mengenal abc...123...
sbar ja ngajar klau kita xphm...
y pntg skali...hormat ckgu 2...
bt baik ngan ckgu...
bru la berkat ilmu 2...
insya-Allah =)"

Monday, June 22, 2009

TaM TaM & GoReNg PiSaNg =p

ptg kmrin mak bt grg pisang...
enak berkrim disukai rmai bla mkn ptg2...
pas2 disebabkn mati kutu scra ttba...
aku pn mkn la grg pisang 2 smbl lepak2 dpn pntu umh...
*isy3...buruknya perangai ank dara nih....hoho~
xpa2..abaikn y 2...=p
erm time 2 lak tam2 da skali dpn pntu...
dr tdo...trus bgn...
dsebabkn bau grg pisang y enak berkrim disukai rmai 2...
rpa2nya,tam2 pn suka gak...
aku try jelah bg seciput kt tam2...
cba teka pa jdk..??
tam2 mkn ngan pnuh b'selera tnpa pusing kiri & kanan...
dh abih...
dia crik lg...
aku bg lg...
crik lg..
abih 4 keping grg pisang 2...
utk dia sekor...
alaf bru pny kucing...
bak kta ayah...dh idup ngan org...
mkn pn cm org jgk la...
sbb cra dia tdo pn cm org jgk...
lg 1...eskrem pn dia mkn gak...
sehingga m'jilat jari kaki...
tp...gmbr xda la...
sbb aku y bg dia mkn...
so xdala org y sudi utk menangkap gmbr ketika aku menyuap tam2 mkn...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

DeBaRaN kIaN TeRaSa =)

erm pg y nyaman...
eh slh lak...
t/hr y nyaman skali...
eh...npa lak debaran2 nih...??MySpace
da majlis besar ke nk b'langsung nih....
tunang ke???
akad nikah??
ke knduri kwin trus nih???
mn 1 nih....
bkn lor...huhu
sbnarnya...esk dh leh check utk upu 2...
so agk b'debar2 la jgk...
insya-Allah dpt...
(yakin 2...!hoho~)
cuma xtau la dpt ktna...
niat ati nk smbg jaaaaauuuuuhhhhh nun d sna...
tp apakan daya...
parents xbg...kna la jdk ank y menurut kata...
tp...jauh ke dkt ke...
y pntg da niat nk blaja 2...
nk cri ilmu...
cuma klau kt tmpt len..
dpt la tmba pengalaman...
jauh p'jalanan indah pmndgan ya...
bdya pn len2....
tp...ujan emas d ngri org...
ujan batu d ngri sndri...
lbh bek kt ngri sndri...
tp xpala...mgkin skrg xleh p tgk2 lg...
mn tau da rzki nnt...
p melancong ke...
insya-Allah klau da rzki...=)
erm pas2 nk kna turun kuis lak..
nk amik jubah...6hb nih...
nk konvo...MySpace
cm xcya lak...
nmpknya kna la b'tapak lma kt sna...
sbb knvo 18hb kn...
pas2 nk bg blik jubah 2 lak...
mgkin smpai hjg julai kot...
lgpn xlarat la nk ulang alik kedah-kl...
letih mkcik...hoho~MySpace
2pn klau tarikh okla...
klau da agenda2 len lak...
kna tukar tarikh n plan la...
hopefully sumanya b'jln ngan lncar...
insya-Allah =)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

MeNgHiTuNg HaRi =)

erm cm dh lma xupdate blog nih...
lma ke?
mn da lma...
cuma nih 1st post utk june lor...
erm pg td aku p hntr resume...
kt skolah pa ntah...
konon2 nk jdk cikgu la...
xtau la dpt ke x...
pas2 blik umh buat dadih...
corn,choc & ros bndung...
tp cm xpuas ati ja aku tgk dadih 2...
erm pas2 aku mndpt khbr brta...
bkn kbr angn tau...=p
~konvo 18th JuLy 2009~
insya-Allah =)
cm xcya lak dh nk konvo...
yeke nih...??
so...sma2 la kita menghitung hr ya...
tp nk kna p kuis blik...
nk settlekn borg brnti la...
cop2 lib...jpm...
sgla jbtan y da la...
pas borg pa lg ntah....
borg kwin kot...
huahuahua =p
matric card...
nk kna potong gak...
byknya bnda nk kna bt....
tp, bla lak aku nk p kuis blik nih...
kita tgk hr y seswai nnt...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

SeLaMaT pEnGaNtIn BaRu =)

erm aku ja blik dr knduri kwn skolah aku dlu...
1 of my besfrenz lor...
erm rsa2nya dia kot y plg awai kwin nih...
antara kengkwn2 y len la...
so...kira dh slmt la dia sorg nih...huhu
to husnil amariaty & hafizan,
semoga b'bhgia &
b'kekalan hingga akhir hayat....

aku pn amik la pluang...
tgkp gmbaq brg skping dua...
nk amik berkat...
ngeh3 =pIyLia~hUsNiL~pJa~aMiK bErKaT NgaN pEnGaNtIn BaRu~

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

JoM JaDiK hOuSeWiFe =p

erm ari pa ya slasa...lpa lak...huhu
dh 2 hr aku blik nih...
kna kira blik...hoho
haaa...btoi la...
smpai ptg ahd ri2....
tp juz da ayah...anjang...k.njang...aku
xlpa jgk...
tamtam & dolphin ksygn...hahaha
mak aku??
mak da kt umh alang...

haaa...mst suma org heran ngan title 2...
jgn k...
since mak aku xda kt umh...
aku la kna jdk housewife....
kna la jga ayah aku...
tp cm ayah aku ja y jga aku...

erm cumanya nk kna la bgn awl ckit...
sdiakn breakfast...
pas2 kms2 umh ckit...
pas2 utk lunch...
then mnum ptg...
n mlm...
of course la utk dinner....
so cm2 la rutin harian aku...
tp pg2 ngelat ckit...
yela dh kna bgn awl...
pas2 dh mkn2...
kms2 umh...
tdo blik...
kn sunat tdo sblm zohor =)

tp xpala...
at least utk kebaikan aku jgk...
tau la bt keja umh...
lgpn ank dara...
mn leh mls2...kn2?
tp pmls jgk aku nih....(xdala rjin pn =p)
keja aku skrg....
mkn lg...
tdo lg...
mkn2 lg...
tdo2 lg...
*proses utk mmbulatkn bdn =p